It happened again today and the Queer one just thought i was being paranoid, until we were at the checkout and i was talking about it and not actually mentioning him or the situation, a woman from the next checkout came over and said to me "if you are talking about that guard with the bald head, then you're not paranoid because he does it to me all the time too" i thanked her for that because it vindicated me and next time he does it to me i am going to report him to management because it is really fucking me off now. If he has a problem with me then why not just say so instead of trying to make me feel like a cunt? The Queer one says "you can't report him for doing his job" but i can report him for victimization which i am sure is not part of his job description is it?

Sainsburys Security Guards = CUNTS
A classic case of small amount of authority in a menial job to reflect the small penis and associated insecurity problems.
See also PCSO's, Labour politicians, Lib Dems, Gordon Brown etc etc
it was your comment on PCSO's that led me to label him a Dog Shit Inspector, i've since heard that someone else has had hassle with the cunt, but ive also heard from my daughter who has said that he is great towards her & my son, seems like a right soft in the head cunt to me. But believe my, i don't want to stop shopping in Sainsbury's so i will take the official course of action because if i confront him then i KNOW things will get stupid and i will end up getting banned
Retail security! Speaking as a person who has caught over 500 shop thieves over the years, I would say that the security guard is a fucking twat! Or maybe he fancies you?
If it was me Screech, I'd double back and start following the cunt and see how he likes it. Stop when he stops, look away when he looks etc. It'll drive the jumped up little Nazi around the fucking bend.
Damn good sport too, I've done it!
Have had fuckers in the booze aisle do this to us. Bastards.
He's ego-tripping on his small, miniscule level of authority. These small-minded fuckwits are everywhere with their pea-sized brains getting on our nerves!
Parking attendants, utility companies - oh and the TV license lot. You can just imagine them wanking over their threatening letter when they put it together. Fuckers! I hate them all.
Hmmm, did this hit a raw nerve? lol
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