Monday, 20 April 2009

Fast Food Fucking Fascists.

Hat tip to Ranting Penguin for this one. Seems the local plods are finding it more important to use their precious time and resources on stopping kids (for kids read ANYBODY) having food that they consider tasty.

Let's take a look at this little gem shall we?  "A lot of fast food outlets do their business with school children, in competition with the healthy schools agenda".

"In competition with the healthy schools agenda"? One line that says it all about their authoritarian stance on all matters people related. What they are saying is that the kids are not allowed any choice except for what they, the council, decide is "good for them", the only choice is between one lot of tasteless, bland slop and another lot of even more tasteless, bland slop. Now i'm not saying that salads and such aren't healthy for anybody and if you enjoy the healthy option then fine, but i'll be fucked if i'm going to force any of my kids to NOT eat the odd burger or kebab now and then and i'll be even more fucked if i let the fucking local Food Fascists decide for me either.

"The fast food ban has not been adopted nationwide but its progress is being monitored by other local authorities who could copy it."

Do what? Ohhhh no they fucking don't!!! That's exactly the reason they put lines like this in all their fucking fascistic articles, in the hope that other authorities do copy them and their socialist utopian cancer is spread like a fucking plague across the country. So Newport City Cuntsil, you can just fuck off and go and read The Beano, Beanotown and especially Bash St. School are better models  to follow, and at least Olive the school cook knows how to serve up some decent crud. You aren't copying this bollocks and forcing your ideals onto my children

"i speet on your 'ealthy opshon"

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