Wednesday 28 January 2009

Sexy bitch

Right, so some of you won't post the pic of hideous drunken chav cunt Nicola Gardner.... but i will. For those of a nervous disposition or in possession of a delicate tummy, here is the blindfold.

Otherwise, here is the link to the article.

Couple of everybody she knows too afraid to tell her that she does not in any way or form look good in that shit? Obviously so, fucking hell, she scared the bejesus out of the burglar who just tried to get in through my bedroom window and fell back and landed on my daughters trampoline. I've just been informed by his solicitor Mr. Ram Jam Grabbdacash (not a paki) that he intends to sue me for traumatic stress disorder.

Secondly...thirty fucking seven my fucking arse!! I've seen younger looking prolapses hanging from an elephants arse. She has more chins than a chinese phone book. Have these people no fucking shame? Why does she dress like some fucking teenager who hangs round off licences? And she's not the only one either. There is so much mutton dressed as lamb out there that it's no fucking wonder that kebabs are starting to contain more pork. She's probably making the local 12 year old lads go down on her badly packed kebab in return for a ten quid bag of skag or whatever it is they are ingesting these days. It would be good to pour a little lighter fluid over this Lager soaked lard-arse and then hold a match underneath those polyester rags she is wearing and watch it all go up in flames, but then stand at a safe distance as i recall vividly the stench of cows being incinerated near Gloucester during the foot& mouth epidemic a few years back. And the thing that fries my shit is that yet again this is another state(taxpayer) sponsored lump of freeloading chav shit.

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