Monday 4 May 2009

Cock-whistle tool of the week.....

....Tommy Walsh.

Notice at the end, just before the camera cuts off him, he reaches for the van door. For fucks sake, just for the sake of an image to keep up, he will make out he gets into the van with all that tool belt malarkey around his waist. There is a fucking hammer dangling down to his cunting knee as well, can you imagine the soft twat really trying to get in the van with that pile of shit around him, and does he honestly expect us to believe that he actually fucking uses that stuff? What a fucking tool. 

And if further proof were needed of how much of a tool he actually looks, then look no further.


Fidothedog said...

He is an "actor" dear boy. A screaming thespian who believes his true role is the stage playing some classic role.

The nearest he has been to a building site is pulling some bit of rough an giving him a blowjob on a building site.

Screech said...

yeah, probably that ginger tart who doesn't wear her bra

May return soon..fuckety fuck. said...

total knobhead.

Window Licker said...

I'd say he's properly equiped for a spot of road rage. Hammer and his bestest mate Stanley Knife. If only he'd worn the toe-caps of his boots out and polished the steel up with Brasso I'd have given him 9 cunts out of ten for effort.

Good man!